A Happy You is Good For the Planet!

The best gift you can give anyone is your own happiness. Surely by now you’ve discovered how exhausting it can be trying to make someone else happy. The best gift life ever gave me was a girlfriend I really wanted to be with who couldn’t be happy with me no matter what I tried to make her so. I bent myself this way and that to be who I didn’t want to be, said yes when dying to say no, and then said no when my chest ached to say yes. The result? Two unhappy people instead of just one. If I had been responsible enough to take care of my own happiness first, at least there would have been one satisfied person in our relationship.

A happy you is simply good for the planet.

The ripple effects of your own authentic happiness leaking out into the universe are infinitely greater than the sticky ego satisfaction your husband, child, boss, father, girlfriend, etc. gets as you make yourself suffer even a little bit for their sake.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t look constantly to see how we can delight those around us. Quite the opposite …

We can literally delight the ‘hell’ out of the world around us!!

But we’ll never delight anyone from the space of our own unhappiness, suffering, dissatisfaction, and inauthenticity, least of all ourselves.

You can sacrifice your own joy for the sake of another. Just be aware what it really costs you, not to mention what it costs everyone around you including the person you’re sacrificing for; you’re depriving everyone of experiencing you in your deliciously joyous state.

A happy you is just good for the entire planet. It’s truly the greatest gift you can ever give.


The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness, for when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the Stream of pure, positive Source Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention.” ~ Abraham Esther-Hicks

A former US Air Force Captain, Bryan Reeves has survived multiple dark nights of the soul and done really stupid things with women that he deeply regrets and has learned a great deal from. Bryan is now a Life Coach & Relationship Coach for men, women, and couples, and is the author of the viral blog, "Choose Her Every Day (or Leave Her)," at www.bryanreeves.com.

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Posted in Burning Man, Celebration!, Patience
7 comments on “A Happy You is Good For the Planet!
  1. coachmelb says:

    I love the visual on this: “we can literally delight the ‘hell’ out of the world around us!!” So true.

    • Bryan Reeves says:

      thanks Melanie … I’m sure you’ve had that experience when a phrase suddenly dances into your thoughts from nowhere, and it’s so right that it just tickles you … this was one of those for me. … it’s true, no? simply bringing our own delight to a hellish world is perhaps about all we can effectively do!

      • coachmelb says:

        Yes, I absolutely agree! I love what our minds will do when we give ourselves the space and permission to be creative!

        Yesterday I had one of those surreal days where I saw so much “hell.” Not in my life, but strangers randomly walking on the side of the street, etc. I thought to myself if they only knew they have the power already within themselves to break free. That’s my big intention to the world; to help people break free of their prisons. I know from personal experience the “hell” we create for ourselves and I also know we’re the only ones who can set us free!

  2. coachmelb says:

    Reblogged this on Happiness Is Calling and commented:
    Everyone can relate to living with an unhappy person, right? What would it be like to acknowledge that knowing and protect the happiness within you? Even if it’s only a tiny spark of happiness, imagine how it would grow if you nurtured it rather than tried to nurture someone else’s? Kinda like the air bag on an airplane?
    When we are whole and complete (our natural infinite state of love and happiness), we’ll inspire (give breath) those around us and most certainly save a few lives indirectly, if not directly.
    Great post by Bryan Reeves. So true!!

  3. […] A Happy You is Good For the Planet! (thiswildwakingjourney.wordpress.com) […]

  4. […] In honor of Memorial Day, I want to remind you that I was once a Captain in the US Air Force … and now I work in transformational entertainment and write inspirational blogs like “Tell The Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May“ and “A Happy You is Good for the Planet!” […]

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